Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mourning Jack - The blurbage

If you stop by this blog now and then, you may have seen a recent post showing off the wonderful cover art for my 6th May release, 'Mourning Jack'.

I've just received the banner pack with the promotional bits and pieces so I thought I'd share the postcard with you because it has the blurb on it. :D

And the bookmark is also very nice indeed.


  1. Looks good! Do you know when it'll be available for pre-order? I've already pre-ordered
    Orion Rising.


  2. It's usually about 4 weeks before release date, so around the beginning of April? I'll be squeeing all over the internet when it is available for pre-order!
    Thanks, Sadonna. I'm now suffering from 'Oh-my-god-what-if-people-think-it's-a-let-down-itis'

